The Summit Forum on Building an Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Ecology was a complete success

The grand event ends and the journey begins again. The joint construction of the Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Summit Forum has been a complete success!


On November 11, 2022, the jointly built Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Ecological Summit Forum and the Hangzhou Intelligent Manufacturing Association Member Replacement Conference were grandly held at the Shixiang Branch of the Ruilex Hotel in Hangzhou! This conference is hosted by the Hangzhou Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Association. Chen Guanlin, member of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Hangzhou Science and Technology Association, and Ma Liangdong, Secretary General of the China Green Manufacturing Alliance, attended the forum and delivered speeches. The conference invited more than 150 enterprises.


After the election, a new director will be elected. After the election, Li Jun, the general manager of the 5G Innovation Center (Industrial BU) of China Telecom Hangzhou Branch, and Lu Jiangang, the expert representative of the association, will take the stage to speak


Li Jun

General Manager of 5G Innovation Center (Industrial BU) of China Telecom Hangzhou Branch


Lu Jiangang

Expert of the Association Special Committee

The Summit Forum on Building an Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Ecology officially kicked off, with Chen Guanlin, member of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of Hangzhou Association for Science and Technology, and Ma Liangdong, Deputy Secretary General of China Service Manufacturing Alliance and Deputy Secretary General of China Green Manufacturing Alliance, delivering opening speeches


Chen Guanlin

Member of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Technology Association


Ma Liangdong

Deputy Secretary General of China Service Manufacturing Alliance

Deputy Secretary General of China Green Manufacturing Alliance


Zeerma Industrial Technology (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. participated in the "Building Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Ecological Summit Forum" and was awarded the "2022 Association Excellent Unit".


At this point, the co construction of the Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Ecological Summit Forum and the Hangzhou Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Association Member Change Conference have been a complete success!

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Zelma Industrial Technology (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd


telephone: 0571-86751613


address: 1st Floor, Zhenlin Science and Technology Innovation Park, Lincheng Town, Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province